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Smoked and Smitten (The Titans of South Side Book 1) Page 4
Smoked and Smitten (The Titans of South Side Book 1) Read online
Page 4
“Funny, LT. I was at my aunt and uncle’s house when my cousin called,” Zan told the lieutenant from his engine house as he tilted his head to Fiona who must have called our mom after she called in the incident. “The others,” Zan waved his hand around, “came along for the ride.”
“So whose car?” Costa asked.
“Mine,” Ana spoke for the first time, drawing all eyes to her and Lily who were standing off to the side of me. The expressions varied on each of the men’s faces.
“Oh good God, stop acting like you’ve never seen a woman before,” Fi said and moved beside Ana and Lily. Then she spoke to Costa, “Though I’m off duty, I was on the scene so I will write up a report. I’ll fax a copy over to the station when I get it done.”
“That works for me, O’Malley,” Costa said and focused back on Ana. “Ma’am, the car is going to need to be towed to the impound lot. The fire investigator will need to take a look at it and determine what caused it. Have you had any problems with the vehicle lately?”
Ana frowned in thought, then shook her head, “No, and I had it serviced last week. They didn’t find any issues with it. The service was for the standard mileage chart thingy.” When I heard chuckles after Ana spoke, I looked at the guys and glared.
“Well good to know. I will add that to my report for the investigator,” Ana nodded and Costa continued, “You still working with Richie, Kian?”
“Yeah, got another month till the training is over? Why?” I asked.
“Dude, you can grab the report for your girlfriend the next time you are out with Richie,” Costa said and jerked his head in Ana’s direction and we both spoke at the same time.
“We aren’t...together,” we both finished and I felt a twinge in my stomach when I looked down at her and the thought of her not being mine kinda hurt.
“Oh, sorry, assumed. Well, then, Ms.?”
“Ana Nixon. I know the drill. The investigator’s office will call and let me know when the report is available. What’s the term? This ain’t my first rodeo.” She giggled and then quickly sobered up when Costa spoke.
“Cars smoke and catch fire around you on a regular basis, do they?”
“No, first time for a car of mine. I was referring to my apartment, which caught fire a few months back. Oh...and the fire at my doctor’s office, about,” she paused in thought, “had to be over a year ago because it was when I was still pregnant with Lily,” Ana said, shifted Lily to her other hip.
“I remember that,” all eyes went to Ferg, my younger brother, and Fiona’s twin. “My engine house handles that area. I was working when the call came in on that and they said the place was full of pregnant women. Damn, they weren’t lying. Sorry you had to be involved in that. For about five minutes we were worried if we could get everyone out before they suffered or died from smoke damage. You couldn’t have been one I helped that day because my ass would have remembered you, pregnant or not. Shit, you are hot!” I glared at Ferg when he finished and watched Fiona reach up and slap the back of his head. “What the hell, Fi? I was only stating the obvious.”
“Not your time, so shut up,” Fi said and reached to take Lily from Ana, who again switched hips to hold Lily. Lily buried her face in Ana’s neck and refused to have any part of Fi.
“What do you mean not my time?” Ferg looked down and frowned at Fi.
“I said oh the time. Everyone is finished here and we should get to the house before Mom comes here to see what is keeping us.”
“May I use someone’s phone to give my dad a call so he can pick Lily and I up?” Ana asked and when I turned to tell her that Fi and I would take her home, Lilly reached her arms out to me. “No, Lily, Kian has to go, Poppa will be coming.” The little girl wasn’t having any of that. She leaned toward me and her hands were opening and closing as if to say come on and then she gave me the toothy smile again. Shit, the little girl was cute and looked just like her mother.
“It’s okay, I’ll take her while you call your dad and we wait for him. That’s if you don’t have a problem with it?” Ana struggled with Lily wiggling in her arms and I thought she might say no with the way she was biting her lip and frowning but she finally handed over her little girl.
I adjusted Lily in my arms and then reached for my phone to hand to Ana.
“You don’t have to call your dad. He and your mother will meet us at our folks’ house. When I told Mom we were stopping for you and Lily, she said she would just call them and invite them to dinner and that you were going to need a good meal after this ordeal.” I looked at Fi and she winked.
Oh hell, the parents’ game was going to start and I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about the fact my mother wanted to fix Ana up with my brother. Lily’s hands went to my cheeks, drawing my attention to her and when I looked at her, she leaned in and blew a slobbery bubbles kiss on my lips.
“Lily! Oh my God, Kian, I’m sorry.” Ana looked around as if she was trying to find something. “Shit, her bag is in the car, I forgot and so is my purse.”
“It’s okay, Ana. A little spit never hurt anyone.” I chuckled and so did the others.
“Yeah, Kian is used to women slobbery all over him,” Sully said and I sneered at him and then turned and smile at Ana.
“She and my dad do that. They play, he makes a show of being loud when he kisses her. Lily tries to imitate him but hers always come with a shower,” Ana said, looking apologetic.
“Stop, babe, it really is okay,” I said and when I turned back everyone stared at me. “What?”
“Nothing, cuz. Come on. My stomach is growling. Aunt Selena made Manicotti and Ma made cannolis for dessert. And I don’t trust Uncle Ronan or my dad not to sneak those while they are holding dinner for us,” Lanz said and turned toward Lt. Costa. “Is it okay to get Ana’s purse and the baby’s things out of the car?”
“Should be, didn’t have to spray any of the dry chemical inside the vehicle but that doesn’t mean that some of the things aren’t going to smell like smoke, you know that. You’ll want to grab the car seat too. We’ll lock the vehicle up and wait for the tow truck driver. Gavin called them before I walked over here. They’re in route now,” Costa said and then Lanz, Santo, and Ferg followed Costa to Ana’s car to collect all her stuff.
“If there is a lot, I can load some of it the back of my truck, Kian,” Zan offered.
“Thanks, might need it,” I replied as I watched the guys as they pulled things out of the inside of the car along with the Lily’s car seat, then popped the trunk and started lifting out bags. I looked at Ana and she shrugged.
“Lily and I were on our way back from Walmart. Babies use a lot of things. But I’m thinking the ice cream probably didn’t make it.”
I looked back in time to see the reason for her comment. Santo was holding out a plastic bag that was dripping white, chocolate, and I would guess strawberry from the reddish color that joined the others.
“Yes, I’m a plain kinda of girl. Plus, it’s Lily’s favorite too,” she answered and took Lily back into her arms when Lily reached for her.
“Mine too,” I said and started toward the burnt car to help my cousins and brothers and stopped halfway there and turned back to face her. “And, Ana, there’s nothing plain about you,” I added, then turned and went to help carry some of the load.
Between us, we got everything in one trip and loaded into the vehicles. After getting the car seat in and each of us men having took a turn in securing it. Ana placed Lily in my arms and within a minute had the seat adjusted, hooked into place, and after taking Lily back, she had her fastened in too.
When we pulled out onto the road the tow truck pulled in to retrieve Ana’s car. Maneuvering through the traffic I caught myself and stopped the unconscious rubbing of the back of my neck, but I couldn’t stop the thought that looped in my mind.
There was a change coming.
Chapter Five
We pulled into the O’Ma
lley driveway in the Hyde Park neighborhood and their house was beautiful and big. When I got out of the vehicle, I walked around to the other side and opened it to a kicking and arms waving Lily. I couldn’t recall her ever being so excited and it made me smile even with the small amount of nerves I felt. I could have the most craptastic day, but when she smiled, the rest never really seemed that important. As I stood with Lily in my arms, Kian was there and before I could say a thing, he reached for Lily and she went into his arms willingly.
“She is never like that. I don’t know what’s gotten into her,” I said and looked at my daughter who seemed to be at home in Kian’s arms as he adjusted her to one side. When she laid her own little arm on his shoulder and looked down at me and smiled, it was the first time ever I felt bad about her growing up without a father to experience that special bond a little girl has with her daddy. Gabby and I had that bond and continued to have that with our father. Though Lily had her poppa and he loved her dearly, I knew it wasn’t the same.
“Oh, it’s probably the excitement of the day,” Kian said. I pushed those thoughts back and then leaned back into the vehicle to grab the diaper bag and when I stood back up one of the other men, whose name I couldn’t remember, took it from me.
“Ana, is there anything else you need us to carry in for her?” another one of the brothers or cousins asked as they walked up. Any woman who could stand in front of these men as they stood side by side and didn’t become a puddle of goo, were way better than me. I saw them frown and realized I hadn’t answered.
“Sorry, it is just...”
“Just what? Ana,” Kian asked and he frowned like the others and then six sets of eyes stared at me.
“Just...you men together could be dangerous for women all over the world. Your family gene pool should be bottled.” Their frowns disappeared and were replaced with smiles and each man’s eyes held a twinkle.
“Ughhhhh, Ana. Did you have to say that? Like their heads aren’t big enough already,” Fiona groaned. The men chuckled.
“Let’s go into the house,” Kian said and placed his hand at the small of my back and turned me toward the walkway that led to the front door. The others fell in behind us and their chuckles had turned into full out laughter. I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see Fi smack the two she was walking between on the back of their heads before she walked past Kian, Lily, and I.
“I’ll grab the door,” she said as she passed by then said, “Let the games begin,” as she opened the door.
We walked in and the sound of laughter was the first thing to reach me. When we passed the living room, I noticed it was large and filled with leather furniture and a big screen TV. The house was clean and tidy but lived in. As we reached the end of the hall Kian was leading me down, it opened into the largest kitchen I had ever seen. Mahogany cabinets, black granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances filled one side, the other held a table, and the space was separated by an oblong bar with stools shoved under it. My dad and Mom were pushing out of the chairs they sat in at the table no sooner than they spotted us entering the room.
“Thank God you are okay,” my mom said as reached me first and hugged me, then turned to Kian and reached for Lily. Kian handed her over and moved out of the way so my dad could get closer.
“I swear, Ana, you’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days.” It was all he said before he pulled me in for a hug. When he released me, he asked, “Didn’t you just have that damn car serviced last week?”
“Yes, I don’t know what happened. But was glad to see Kian and Fiona pull up since I left my cell at the house. All I know is if I was a fireman, I might say the fire is chasing me. I mean really, how many times in one person’s life should they have to deal with fire,” I said and the room went quiet. I looked around and everyone was staring with various expressions.
“Well, I’m glad they did show up. When Serena called, I was going to head there but she said her son and daughter were there and that some of the others had left to see if they could help,” he said but moved over until he stood in front of Kian and stuck out his hand. “Thanks for taking care of my girls, son.”
“Ah, Cap, no problem. Glad I was there and could help.”
“We are all grateful you both weren’t injured or worse,” Serena said. “Now that everyone is here, let’s get them introduced.”
After everyone was introduced, I at least had an understanding of why the men and Fiona looked so much alike.
“Family is what matters at the end of each day,” Milana said.
“Sure does, Aunt Milana. But first, can I get to the end of my shift today? Ma, we eating soon because I need to get back to the 1st,” Brodie, who had been sitting at the table with the parents, said and stood.
“You’ve worked too much lately, Brodie. You need to take some time and remember how to have fun, son,” Serena said, then looked at me and smiled, which was weird in itself but the stiffening of Kian’s body beside me at his mother’s words was even stranger. As I looked around, no one else seemed to have noticed.
“Ma, you know I am working a murder case and if I don’t get it solved soon, it will be put in the cold case files until other evidence surfaces,” Brodie said and Serena nodded.
“Is that the case on those three women who burnt up in that nightclub downtown?” my mom asked.
“Yeah, it’s been eight months. The fire was reported as faulty wiring, which is good and bad, because it means someone didn’t set the fire to an entire place just for kicks, but it leaves the fact those women were locked in the bathroom intentionally. That’s what all the hours I’m putting in are for, Ma.”
“Then let’s eat so you can at least go back to work with a full stomach. Milana and I have everything set out in the dining room.” The woman had barely finished the sentence and I watched all the men head out of the room, my dad included, leaving only the women standing in the kitchen.
“They act like they are starved. I don’t know how that is possible for Sal, Ronan, and Brady because I caught them sneaking cannolis while we waited,” Milana said.
“I did too, which means we better get in the dining room before there is nothing left for us to eat,” Serena said and walked out of the kitchen with us following. When we entered the dining area my mouth had to be hanging open. The table was big and had at least twenty chairs around it, and the middle of the table was lined from one end to the other with food.
“Idiots,” Fiona said as she stepped up beside me. “Come, Ana, let’s take a seat.” Fiona grabbed my arm and led me to a chair in the middle. When I frowned, she went on, “The guys always rush in to eat but when they get here, their manners have them standing around to wait for us women to be seated first. You would think over the years they would catch on, but no.” Fiona shrugged.
I sat in the chair and my mother handed Lily to me and then went to the other side of the table where Fiona had sat down.
“Smells fantastic, Serena and Milana, and thanks for asking us to join you,” my mother, Dana, said as she sat in her chair. The men started toward chairs and out of the corner of my eye I saw Kian head for the chair beside me. When he reached for the back of the chair his mother stepped between it and him.
“Thanks, Dana,” Serena said over her shoulder to my mom, then she turned back to Kian. “Let Brodie sit here, Kian. You go sit beside your sister.” Kian’s eyes shifted to me and then back to his mother.
“Ma, I know what you are doing,” he’s voice was barely above a whisper when he spoke to his mom but it didn’t matter, I could hear it. I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about though. Serena patted Kian’s arm then looked around the room.
“Brodie, you sit here beside Ana,” she said and pulled the chair out, Brodie looked at her, then down at me, grabbed the back of the chair and as he was getting ready to sit down, Fiona’s voice stopped his movement.
“Ma, Kian needs to sit there, not Brodie.” Serena turned to look at her daughter and pur
sed her lips.
“Oh, Fiona, isn’t it about time for Agent Briggs to be moving here?” Fiona glared at her mother.
“Whatever,” Fiona said and when I looked up at Serena she was smiling at Fiona with her arms crossed over her chest.
I glanced over and noticed that my mom and Dad watched the women too. My mom must have sensed my eyes on her because she looked at me. Her and my dad both wore looks of confusion on their faces. I shrugged at them and went back to watching the show. If nothing else, just watching this family’s dynamics was entertaining and when I looked down at Lily, she seemed to think so too as she sucked her thumb and watched.
“Keaton, sit on the other side of Ana,” Milana said.
“Ma?” Keaton said, then lifted his brows.
“Oh, sit. You know nothing,” Milana said, then went to sit by her husband.
“What are you doing, Milana?” Serena looked across the table.
“Everyone should have a choice. Don’t you think?” Milana asked and picked up the plate from in front of her husband and started filling it with food. Serena stood behind Brodie who had taken the seat beside me while she glared at Milana, then dropped her arms and moved to the sit beside her husband. Chuckles from the other end of the table drew my attention. The others were shaking their heads and filling their plates with food and when I looked across the table, Kian was glaring back and forth at each man sitting at my sides.
“Brodie is a detective at the 1st district, Ana. He just bought a home a few months ago,” Serena said as she put food on a plate. I shifted Lily to one knee and reached for the spatula in front of me but Brodie grabbed it.
“Here let me help.” He started placing food on my plate.
“Thank you,” I said then looked up when Kian grunted.
“No problem.” Brodie filled my plate and then started on his own.